Distributed data structures with Coq: PN-Counters

20 Jun 2013

Continuing my previous post on proving properties about CRDTs, specifically G-Counters, we’ll now look at the PN-Counter, a counter which allows the value to both increment and decrement while guaranteeing convergence. Since this builds off of the lemmas proven in the previous post, I highly recommend you read that post first.

First, let’s define a PN-Counter as a product of two G-Counters. We’ll use one set for counting the increments, and one for counting the decrements.

(* Initialize an empty PN_Counter. *)
Definition PN_Counter := (G_Counter * G_Counter)%type.
Definition PN_Counter_init : PN_Counter := (G_Counter_init, G_Counter_init).

Then, let’s define increment and decrement functions for a particular actor, which call the G-Counter increment function on each set. In this example, we use fst and snd to destructure the PN-Counter into two seperate counters, and then after we perform the increment we use pair, the product constructor, to rebuild the PN-Counter.

(* Increment a PN_Counter for a particular actor. *)
Definition PN_Counter_incr actor (clocks : PN_Counter) :=
  pair (G_Counter_incr actor (fst clocks)) (snd clocks).

(* Decrement a PN_Counter for a particular actor. *)
Definition PN_Counter_decr actor (clocks : PN_Counter) :=
  pair (fst clocks) (G_Counter_incr actor (snd clocks)).

Let’s define a function to reveal the current value of the PN-Counter, by subtracting the values of each counter.

(* Reveal the current value of a PN_Counter. *)
Definition PN_Counter_reveal clocks :=
  minus (G_Counter_reveal (fst clocks)) (G_Counter_reveal (snd clocks)).

Then, let’s define merge, comparsion, and equality functions, which leverage the functions we’ve defined over G-Counters.

(* Merge two PN_Counters. *)
Definition PN_Counter_merge c1 c2 :=
  pair (G_Counter_merge (fst c1) (fst c2)) 
       (G_Counter_merge (snd c1) (snd c2)).

(* Compare two G_Counters. *)
Definition PN_Counter_compare (c1 c2 : PN_Counter) :=
  and (G_Counter_compare (fst c1) (fst c2))
      (G_Counter_compare (snd c1) (snd c2)).

(* Verify that two PN_Counters are equal. *)
Definition PN_Counter_equal (c1 c2 : PN_Counter) :=
  ClockMap.Equal (fst c1) (fst c2) /\ ClockMap.Equal (snd c1) (snd c2).

Cool. Now, let’s start proving things.

First, let’s prove that the merge operation commutes. Similar to our G-Counter proof, we can simply perform the necessary destructuring of the PN-Counter type, and then apply the lemma we’ve previously defined which shows that the merge operation on clocks commute.

Theorem PN_Counter_merge_comm : forall c1 c2,
  PN_Counter_equal (PN_Counter_merge c1 c2) (PN_Counter_merge c2 c1).
  unfold PN_Counter_equal.
  split; unfold ClockMap.Equal; intros;
    unfold PN_Counter_merge; unfold G_Counter_merge; simpl;
    repeat rewrite ClockMapFacts.map2_1bis; auto.
    apply Clock_merge_comm.
    apply Clock_merge_comm.

Same thing, we can use the existing lemmas we’ve proven about G-Counter’s and their merge operation, and apply it to prove that, in addition to being commutative, they are also associative and idempotent.

Theorem PN_Counter_merge_idempotent : forall c1,
  PN_Counter_equal (PN_Counter_merge c1 c1) c1.
  unfold PN_Counter_equal.
  split; unfold ClockMap.Equal; intros;
    unfold PN_Counter_merge; unfold G_Counter_merge; simpl;
    repeat rewrite ClockMapFacts.map2_1bis; auto.
    apply Clock_merge_idempotent.
    apply Clock_merge_idempotent.

Theorem PN_Counter_merge_assoc : forall c1 c2 c3,
    (PN_Counter_merge c1 (PN_Counter_merge c2 c3))
    (PN_Counter_merge (PN_Counter_merge c1 c2) c3).
  unfold PN_Counter_equal.
  split; unfold ClockMap.Equal; intros;
    unfold PN_Counter_merge; unfold G_Counter_merge; simpl;
    repeat rewrite ClockMapFacts.map2_1bis; auto;
    repeat rewrite <- Clock_merge_assoc; reflexivity.

Now, let’s prove that both the increment and decrement operations monotonically advance the structure. This is extremely trivial, as we’ve already proven that incrementing an individual G-Counter monotonically advances the structure, given that the increment and decrement are both only increment operations operating on either side of a product.

Theorem PN_Counter_incr_mono : forall clocks actor,
  PN_Counter_compare clocks (PN_Counter_incr actor clocks).
  intros; unfold PN_Counter_compare; unfold PN_Counter_incr; simpl.
  split. apply G_Counter_incr_mono.
  apply G_Counter_compare_idempotent.

Theorem PN_Counter_decr_mono : forall clocks actor,
  PN_Counter_compare clocks (PN_Counter_decr actor clocks).
  intros; unfold PN_Counter_compare; unfold PN_Counter_decr; simpl.
  split. apply G_Counter_compare_idempotent.
  apply G_Counter_incr_mono.

Now, let’s confirm that the merge operation of the PN-Counter cause the data structure to monotonically advance. This proof is trivial, given we’ve already proven that this property holds true for the G-Counter. We can simply apply the theorem we’ve already defined.

Theorem PN_Counter_merge_mono : forall c1 c2,
  PN_Counter_compare c1 (PN_Counter_merge c1 c2).
  intros; unfold PN_Counter_compare; unfold PN_Counter_merge; split; simpl;
  apply G_Counter_merge_mono.


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