Programming Models, Part 2: QuickChecking Derflow

01 Oct 2014

Updated January 9th, 2015: Derflow has since been renamed to Lasp, which is open source on GitHub. For more information surrounding the name change, see this post.

As we discussed in our first post, Derflow is the name of our distributed deterministic programming model that is the basis of our research into providing a more expressive way of working with CRDTs and eventual consistency.

Today, we look at how we can go about building the first version of a Erlang QuickCheck model for testing our distributed variable store works as expected.


So, how do we start building a model for our language to QuickCheck with?

First, if you recall, our language uses a distributed single assignment store in which distribution is supported by riak_core. Unfortunately, testing applications with dependencies on riak_core is extremely difficult, due to the amount of setup required. We’ve attempted it before at Basho and it requires a lot of setup.

To make this easier, we first separate out the logic in our virtual node which controls the distributed store with the backend that actually writes values to disk. For this purpose, we’ve created a derflow_ets backend, which provides an API to the distributed store, which we can run our tests against.

Building the Model

Building the model is straightforward: how can you model a variable store that is backed by ets? We can use a dict!

So, what are the invariants of our langauge? Let’s enumerate them.

If you recall, our language provides operations over both single-assignment variables and lattices. When operating with a lattice, we want to ensure that we allow variables to rebind if the given value is an inflation of that lattice.

So, we want to test the following operations:

Single-assignment store

What are the properties of our single-assignment store?

  • We can declare variables as single-assignment variables.
  • We can bind these variables to values.
  • We can re-bind these variables to the same value, but not a different value.
  • We can read anything that’s been bound and get the correct value.

Lattice store

What are the properties of our lattice store?

  • We can declare lattice variables.
  • We can bind these variables to values.
  • We can rebind these variables to a new value, if it is an inflation of that lattice.
  • We can perform a threshold read which returns the threshold value supplied.

Stateful testing

For testing, we use the eqc_statem behavior, which is a state-machine based approach for testing functions with side-effects. For more information on testing using this facility, check out this talk from Laura M. Castro.

Generating commands

Let’s take a look at our code that generates commands:

    Variables = dict:fetch_keys(Store),
        [{call, ?MODULE, declare,
          [oneof([elements(Types), undefined]), Ets]}] ++
        [?LET({Variable, GeneratedValue}, {elements(Variables), nat()},
                    Value = value(Variable, Store, GeneratedValue),
                    Threshold = threshold(Variable, Store),
                    oneof([{call, ?MODULE, bind, [Variable, Value, Ets]},
                           {call, ?MODULE, read, [Variable, Threshold, Ets]}])
                end) || length(Variables) > 0]).

When generating commands, we need to model our three basic types of operations: read, bind, and declare. We use the oneof generator to select one of the following commands – declare operations will be generated without constraints composed of one of the lattice types, or the undefined type to specify that we want a single-assignment variable.

For read and bind operations: we need to ensure we only generate these for variables which have been declared; this is done by the length(Variables) > 0 predicate on the list comprehension.

Additionally, these commands also need to be called with the correct types of values. For example, a read threshold over a lattice needs to be called with a valid lattice value; similarly a bind needs to be triggered with the correct type as well. In our example here, we use the ?LET macro to materialize the symbolic into an actual value, which we can inspect the type of and generate the appropriate threshold and value.

Here’s our threshold and value generators, which currently, are the same:

%% @doc Generate values for threshold, based on operating type.
threshold(Variable, Store) ->
    case dict:find(Variable, Store) of
        {ok, #variable{type=undefined}} ->
        {ok, #variable{type=Type}} ->
            ?LET({Object, Update},
                 {Type:new(), Type:gen_op()},
                    {ok, X} = Type:update(Update, undefined, Object),

%% @doc Generate values for binds, based on operating type.
value(Variable, Store, DefaultValue) ->
    case dict:find(Variable, Store) of
        {ok, #variable{type=undefined}} ->
        {ok, #variable{type=Type}} ->
            ?LET({Object, Update},
                 {Type:new(), Type:gen_op()},
                    {ok, X} = Type:update(Update, undefined, Object),

In this case, the type of one of the callers will be a CRDT provided by the riak_dt library. Each of the data types provided, such as riak_dt_gset, for the grow-only set, exports a function gen_op(), which generates a random operation, allowing us to generate random types of CRDTs.

Here’s an example of the operations generator for the riak_dt_gset:

gen_op() ->
    oneof([{add, int()},
           {add_all, non_empty(list(int()))}]).

Now, let’s examine the preconditions on command generation.


What preconditions do we want to check when running our model?

Well, given that derflow read operations are blocking – blocking on unbound single-assignment variables and threshold read operations where the threshold is not yet met, we want to prevent us from executing the tests with those values.

We do that with the following precondition on read:

             {call, ?MODULE, read, [Id, Threshold, _Store]}) ->
    case dict:find(Id, Store) of
        error ->
            %% Not declared.
        {ok, #variable{value=undefined}} ->
            %% Not bound.
        {ok, #variable{type=undefined}} ->
        {ok, #variable{value=Value, type=Type}} ->
            case derflow_ets:threshold_met(Type, Value, Threshold) of
                true ->
                false ->

Now, let’s examine the postconditions on command generation.


There are two important postconditions of our model we must verify: bind operations which fail should only fail for a valid reason; read operations which succeed must succeed with the correct value.

When performing a read, we assert that we only ever read the value that we observed being bound to that variable when executing the model. If it is a threshold read, we assert that the value returned is the threshold – if the value wasn’t at least the threshold, we would have failed the precondition shown above.

%% Ensure we always read values that we are expecting.
              {call, ?MODULE, read, [Id, Threshold, _]}, {ok, V, _}) ->
    case dict:find(Id, Store) of
        {ok, #variable{value=Value}} ->
            case Threshold of
                undefined ->
                    Value == V;
                _ ->
                    Threshold == V
        _ ->

When asserting that bind fails only when it is supposed to, we verify that the only time it is allowed to fail is if we are attempting to re-assign a already bound variable to a new value.

%% If a bind failed, that's only allowed if the variable is already
%% bound or undefined.
              {call, ?MODULE, bind, [Id, V, _]}, error) ->
    case dict:find(Id, Store) of
        {ok, #variable{type=_Type, value=undefined}} ->
        {ok, #variable{type=Type, value=Value}} ->
            case derflow_ets:is_inflation(Type, Value, V) of
                true ->
                false ->



This was just a very brief overview of how we began testing derflow using Erlang QuickCheck. For a deeper view, please checkout our test on GitHub.

I’d love to hear about how I could clean this model up and make it easier to understand. Please let me know, or send me a pull request.
