Updated January 9th, 2015: Derflow has since been renamed to Lasp, which is open source on GitHub. For more information surrounding the name change, see this post.
As we discussed in our first post, Derflow is the name of our distributed deterministic programming model that is the basis of our research into providing a more expressive way of working with CRDTs and eventual consistency.
One of the use cases we’ve focused our research on is around an eventually consistent advertisement counter. For example, consider you are a rather large game company with millions of units deployed in the field – these devices can be online and offline at any point during the day.
Each of these devices have a number of advertisements they can display during the game – each advertisement needs to be displayed a minimum number of times. (read: advertisement impressions)
In our case, it’s acceptable to display an advertisement more times than the number of impressions that have been paid for, which allows us to loosely coordinate the tracking of these counters. This is important, as we can not guarantee that clients will be online at particular times to use coordination to make a change to the configuration – such as removing an advertisement once it’s maximum display limit has been reached.
In the design we will look at below, we define correct operation of this application as never losing an advertisement impression, and eventually converging to the correct number of impressions depending on our divergence control strategy.
Let’s start by examining our application code.
To initialize our application, we begin by performing four main tasks:
We model each advertisement counter as a grow-only counter (G-Counter).
We use the grow-only counter provided by the riak_dt
library, the
Here’s example code which creates five advertisement counters.
lager:info("Initialize advertisement counters..."),
Generator = fun(_) ->
lager:info("Generating advertisement!"),
{ok, Id} = derflow:declare(riak_dt_gcounter),
Ads = lists:map(Generator, lists:seq(1,5)),
This returns a list of five unique advertisement counters, which we will use for tracking the number of impressions for each advertisement.
Following that, we initialize a series of clients, each of which is
given the list of advertisements they are responsible for displaying to
the user. These clients represent derflow
clients, running at the
client, near the end user.
lager:info("Launching clients..."),
Launcher = fun(Id) ->
ClientPid = spawn(?MODULE, client, [Id, Ads]),
lager:info("Launched client; id: ~p pid: ~p~n", [Id, ClientPid]),
Clients = lists:map(Launcher, lists:seq(1,5)),
Each client process handles three things: returning the list of active advertisements, viewing advertisements, and removing advertisements. We use a simple recurisve process which blocks on receiving messages to perform each of these operations.
%% @doc Client process; standard recurisve looping server.
client(Id, Ads) ->
lager:info("Client ~p running; ads: ~p~n", [Id, Ads]),
{active_ads, Pid} ->
Pid ! Ads,
client(Id, Ads);
view_ad ->
%% Choose an advertisement to display.
%% Use hd() for simplicity of example.
Ad = hd(Ads),
lager:info("Displaying ad: ~p from client: ~p~n", [Ad, Id]),
%% Update ad by incrementing value.
{ok, Value, _} = derflow:read(Ad),
{ok, Updated} = riak_dt_gcounter:update(increment, Id, Value),
{ok, _} = derflow:bind(Ad, Updated),
client(Id, Ads);
{remove_ad, Ad} ->
%% Remove ad.
lager:info("Removing ad: ~p from client: ~p~n", [Ad, Id]),
client(Id, Ads -- [Ad])
When a request to view an advertisement arrives, we choose an advertisement to display (here, we are just choosing the first, but it could be random – we’ve also omitted the code to actually display the advertisement on the screen, if you haden’t noticed) and then we increment the counter for this particular advertisement.
This bind
operation succeeds because in this case, the value we are
pushing back to the constraint store is an inflation of the lattice; the
G-Counter is only ever going to grow.
Next, we initialize one server process per advertisement. Here’s what that code looks like:
lager:info("Launch a server for each advertisement..."),
Server = fun(Ad) ->
ServerPid = spawn(?MODULE, server, [Ad, Clients]),
lager:info("Launched server; ad: ~p~n", [Ad]),
_Servers = lists:map(Server, Ads),
Each of these server processes performs a threshold read
against the
counter for the advertisement it’s tracking; this threshold read
operation will block, thereby suspending execution of the server process
until the counter has reached at least 5.
%% @doc Server functions for the advertisement counter. After 5 views,
%% disable the advertisement.
server(Ad, Clients) ->
lager:info("Server launched for ad: ~p", [Ad]),
{ok, _, _} = derflow:read(Ad, 5),
lager:info("Threshold reached; disable ad ~p for all clients!",
lists:map(fun(Client) ->
%% Tell clients to remove the advertisement.
Client ! {remove_ad, Ad}
end, Clients),
io:format("Advertisement ~p reached display limit!", [Ad]).
Once the threshold has been reached, the server process will unblock and notify all clients to stop displaying the advertisement.
Finally, some code to run the advertisement counter simulation.
lager:info("Running advertisements..."),
Viewer = fun(_) ->
Pid = lists:nth(random:uniform(5), Clients),
io:format("Running advertisement for pid: ~p~n", [Pid]),
Pid ! view_ad
_ = lists:map(Viewer, lists:seq(1,50)),
In this example, we launch 50 requests to view a random sequence of advertisements to exercise our code and verify the behavior is correct.
So far, we’ve assumed that clients are online, and that when we go to update state in the constraint store, we will be able to contact it. However, in a large-scale distributed system, especially when dealing with a large amount of mobile clients, it is understood that that mechanism will not be true. Given this is active research, we don’t have all of the answers yet, but we’re slowly working towards them.
One idea is to be able to automatically decompose these programs at the point where we use shared conflict-free replicated data types between clients and the server supporting greater divergence without sacrificing correctness.
Let’s look at an example below:
If we look closely at our client code, we see that each time an advertisement is viewed, we update a shared counter.
%% Update ad by incrementing value.
{ok, Value, _} = derflow:read(Ad),
{ok, Updated} = riak_dt_gcounter:update(increment, Id, Value),
{ok, _} = derflow:bind(Ad, Updated),
Each view triggers a counter to be incremented at the shared,
replicated, fault-tolerant, constraint store at the derflow
However, this isn’t required if we’re willing to allow for greater
divergence, which can lead to greater over-counting.
Once approach we can take, which still allows for correct operation with greater divergence, is to use a second counter locally, and merge state into the counter stored by the server periodically.
For instance, we increment a local counter stored at the client:
{ok, Local} = riak_dt_gcounter:update(increment, Id, Local0),
Then, we periodically update upstream:
{ok, Value, _} = derflow:read(Ad),
Merged = riak_dt_gcounter:merge(Local, Value),
{ok, _} = derflow:bind(Ad, Merged),
Of course, these mechanisms are easily exploited if coded explicitly using CRDTs. In our example above, the transformation is trivial given we are operating over grow-only counters. However, our goals remains to integrate this at the programming model layer – given that transformations and composition of the more complex data types are not as trivial and previous ad-hoc approaches have proven error prone.
Thanks for reading.
If you’re interested in this research and would like to discuss further or assist, feel free to contact me using the details in the footer.
For more information on SyncFree and the use cases we have focused our research on, I recommend this talk given by Annette Bieniusa and myself at RICON 2014 in Las Vegas.