As discussed previously, Lasp is the name of our declarative programming model for eventually consistent computations.
Previously, we’ve discussed the design of an eventually consistent, advertisement counter using our declarative, eventually consistent programming model for edge computation called Lasp. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working towards building out additional use cases based on our partnership with Rovio Entertainment as part of the SyncFree research project. Today, I’m going to look at the design of a eventually consistent top-K leaderboard application.
If you don’t know much about Lasp, I suggest watching this video before proceeding with this article.
For our system model, we’re going to assume that as a provider of mobile games, we have a large number of clients that will be playing games offline. Each client can uniquely identify itself, and will locally maintain a periodically synchronized leaderboard of top scores for each game. Clients will be able to locally modify their leaderboard while they are offline, and synchronization will occur when they have connectivity (or as specified by the client.)
We’re going to look into how we can build this application with Lasp. (To follow along, the full code is available on GitHub.)
We introduce the lasp_top_k_var
data type, that’s heaviy inspired by
the work from Navalho et al. in “A Study of CRDTs that do
%% Create a leaderboard datatype.
{ok, LeaderboardId} = lasp:declare(lasp_top_k_var),
The design of this CRDT ensures that update operations and merge operations preserve the top-K entries by value, arbitrating on lexicographical order of keys. For this application, we assume 1 for the value of K. (Keep in mind, this implemention is just a prototype to explore the design space, and should not be used in production!)
We begin by initializing a series of client processes. Each client is initialized with four pieces of data:
%% @doc Launch a series of client processes.
clients(Runner, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard) ->
SpawnFun = fun(Id) -> spawn_link(?MODULE, client, [Runner, Id, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard]) end,
lists:map(SpawnFun, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_CLIENTS)).
Each client is modeled as an Erlang process that recursively processes incoming messages until it receives a terminate message and subsequently shuts down. This process is responsible for handling two types of messages and periodically synchronizing their state back to the server.
In a practical setting, you would probably want to synchronize state as long as connectivity was available, and only perform periodic synchronization when connectivity or battery power was limited.
The simulator will be responsible for periodically sending messages to the client saying that as game has been completed; when the simulation completes, a terminate message will be sent to the client, which will cause the client to perform a final synchronization of state with the server.
Periodically, as represented with the after clause, the client will synchronize state back to the server, even if state has not changed. This could be performed to only synchronize if state has changed; but we’ve kept it simple for the example.
%% @doc Client process.
client(Runner, Id, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard0) ->
{complete_game, Score} ->
io:format("Client ~p completed game with score ~p.", [Id, Score]),
%% Update local leaderboard.
{ok, Leaderboard} = lasp_top_k_var:update({set, Id, Score}, Id, Leaderboard0),
%% Notify the harness that an event has been processed.
Runner ! {event, Score},
client(Runner, Id, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard);
terminate ->
io:format("Client ~p shutting down, issuing final synchronization.", [Id]),
%% Synchronize copy of leaderboard.
{ok, {_, _, _, Leaderboard}} = lasp:bind(LeaderboardId, Leaderboard0),
10 ->
io:format("Client ~p synchronizing leaderboard.", [Id]),
%% Synchronize copy of leaderboard.
{ok, {_, _, _, Leaderboard}} = lasp:bind(LeaderboardId, Leaderboard0),
client(Runner, Id, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard)
Each client locally updates its copy of the leaderboard using the API provided by the top-K CRDT: the clients identifer is used as their name in the leaderboard and the leaderboard is updated with the score from the completed game.
Our simulator is pretty straightforward. Given a list of clients, the simulator picks a random client, generates a random score for a game that’s been simulated, and sends this score to the client and sleeps. We sleep between each game simulation to allow interleaving of the periodic state synchronization with the server with recording the results of completed games.
%% @doc Simulate clients.
simulate(_Runner, ClientList) ->
%% Start the simulation.
ViewerFun = fun(_) ->
%% Pick a random client.
Random = random:uniform(length(ClientList)),
Pid = lists:nth(Random, ClientList),
%% Sleep to simulate game run time.
%% This simulates a game being completed on a clients device.
Pid ! {complete_game, random:uniform(100000000)}
lists:foreach(ViewerFun, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_EVENTS)).
When clients synchronize their state back, this bind
operation ensures
that the value stored at the data center is “merged” with the incoming
value, and the result of the merge is returned to the user. This serves
to get the latest version of the leaderboard, and disseminate data
through the server to other clients, as they periodically perform their
merge operations.
%% Synchronize copy of leaderboard.
{ok, {_, _, _, Leaderboard}} = lasp:bind(LeaderboardId, Leaderboard0),
Additionally, we want our simulation to block until all events have been processed.
%% @doc Wait for all events to be delivered in the system.
wait_for_events(Count, NumEvents, MaxValue0) ->
{event, Score} ->
MaxValue = max(Score, MaxValue0),
case Count >= NumEvents of
true ->
io:format("~p events served, max is: ~p!", [Count, MaxValue]),
false ->
wait_for_events(Count + 1, NumEvents, MaxValue)
To execute our simulation, we do the following.
test() ->
Self = self(),
%% Create a leaderboard datatype.
{ok, LeaderboardId} = lasp:declare(lasp_top_k_var),
%% Read the leaderboard's current value.
{ok, {_, _, _, Leaderboard}} = lasp:read(LeaderboardId, undefined),
%% Launch client processes.
ClientList = clients(Self, LeaderboardId, Leaderboard),
%% Initialize simulation.
simulate(Self, ClientList),
%% Wait until we receive num events.
FinalResult = wait_for_events(1, ?NUM_EVENTS, 0),
%% Terminate all clients.
%% Read the result and print it.
{ok, {_, _, _, FinalLeaderboard}} = lasp:read(LeaderboardId, undefined),
Final = orddict:to_list(lasp_top_k_var:value(FinalLeaderboard)),
%% Assert we got the right score.
[{_, FinalResult}] = Final,
io:format("Final Leaderboard: ~p", [Final]),
We launch our clients, initialize the simulation, ensure we wait for all events to be processed and finally assert that the value, when the system reaches quiescence, is correct!
If you enjoyed this article, I’ll be speaking on coordination-free designs for mobile gaming at Code Mesh on November 3, 2015!